Collective show _ Splash _ Comédie de Caen _ CDN de Normandie _ Hérouville St-Clair _ France _ 2021
Burn Baby Burn is
a time and visual capsule,
an installation that brings together a sample of collected images.
Iconographic archives that
intertwine the theme of
over_exposure of an image
burnt by the sunlight and the
over_exposition of bodies
on the beach.
Burn Baby Burn humorously
address one or more
iconographic myth.s while highlighting
socio-cultural and historical contexts related to water.

Exposed Bodies
are images taken from a Turkish magazine from the 60s.
The article comments on the nudity and the arrest of French women,
proudly displaying themselves topless on the beaches of Cannes,
while publishing their photographs adorned with editorial nipple covers.
Bodies exposed, naked breasts on the beach,
as our grandmothers practiced it more than 60 years ago,
the topless fashion is still a problematic subject in the public space.
These photographic archives are transformed and printed like shower curtains
where the Nazar boncuk’s embroideries are places on these censored nipples and
the building’s entrances in order to deflect the Evil eye of the viewer.
Exposed Bodies
Burn Baby Burn
5 photographic archives,
5 shower curtains,
digital print fabric, embroideries.
#1 : 225 x 120 cm - #4 : 225 x 110 cm
#2 : 225 x 120 cm - #5 : 225 x 103 cm
#3 : 208 x 150 cm
[ MArchives Collection ]
HAYAT magazine, 27 Mai 1965

Def . Nazar Boncuk / Evil eye bead
In Turkish, « Nazar » means the
« evil eye », its origin comes
from Arabic, it means
« sight, surveillance, attention »
« Boncuk » means
« amulet, pearl, bead».
The Nazar is an eye-shaped amulet/talisman believed to protect against the Evil eye.
Many cultures believe that receiving the evil eye will cause misfortune or injury and can be given in the guise of a compliment, signifying its connection to the destructive power of envy (for one’s wealth, beauty, etc.).
Amulets such as the Nazar are used in accordance with common sayings such as "an eye for an eye", where another eye can be used to protect the recipient of the malevolent gaze.
The boncuk is a glass bead characterised by a blue glass field with a blue or black dot superimposed on a white or yellow center.
Blue was likely used as it was relatively easy to create. Historically old, the blue bead has gained importance as an item of popular culture in Modern Turkey.
In approximately 1500 BC, evil eye beads were popularised throughout the ancient world: from Mesopotamia to Egypt, from Carthage and Phoenicia to Persia, and throughout the Roman imperial period.

Burnt Images
is a collection of postcards
that burned under the Sun and suffered from the Rain,
only the Blue layer of the print.
Trapped in layers resin like stratigraphic fossils,
the process of their disappearance is for now interrupted.
Frozen in time, they will one day be able to provide information about our era.
Burnt Images _
Burn Baby Burn
6 postcards trapped in 6 resins,
20 x 26 x 5,5 cm each.
Installation on the old family's
coffee table in glass and plexiglas,
lighting system.
[ MArchives Collection ]
Cappadocia postcards 2017