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Iconographic Exquisite Corpse _
 2021 - . . .

The Tapestry of M.A. 

 is an iconographic exquisite Corpse,

a participative and collaborative project

using photographic archives.


Every willing participant

offers an archival image to

the Tapestry of M.A.'s database where

 her_his_their image registers to the collective memory.

The Tapestry of M.A.  &

Memorabilia _ 2021

Murmuration _

Mahalla Festival_2021

Yeldegirmeni & Kadiköy Sanat Merkezi  

Istanbul, Turkey.

Link :


Participants :








With the support of the

Ministry of Culture in France,

Regional Office of cultural affairs of Normandy,

Individual grant for creation 2020.

Def . Exquisite Corpse


Exquisite Corpse, also known

as “exquisite cadaver”

(from the original French

term cadavre exquis),

is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled.

Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence,

either by following a rule or by being only allowed to see

the end (a fragment) of what

the previous person contributed. 

The game gained popularity in artistic circles during the 1920s when it was adopted as a technique by artists of the Surrealist movement « DADA » to generate collaborative compositions.

* « Nude », 1926-27

 Collective work by Yves Tanguy,

Joan Miro, Max Morise, Man Ray.

 © All rights reserved by Mathilde Melek An, 2013
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